Fast results
RTT® is designed to resolve deep-rooted problems, often in just one to three sessions, compared to traditional forms of therapy that can take months or years.
Holistic approach
RTT® kombiniert die besten Prinzipien aus Hypnotherapie, Psychotherapie, Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren (NLP) und kognitive Verhaltenstherapie (CBT), um umfassende und tiefgreifende Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
Direct cause treatment
Rather than just treating symptoms, RTT® focuses on identifying and eliminating the underlying causes of problems. RTT ® aims to create lasting positive changes in clients' thinking and behavior by permanently reprogramming negative beliefs and patterns.
personalized sessions
Jede Sitzung ist individuell auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse und Ziele des Klienten zugeschnitten, was die Effektivität erhöht.
Improved quality of life
Clients often report a significant improvement in their overall quality of life, including increased self-confidence, better emotional balance and a more fulfilling life.
Efficient & cost-saving
Because RTT® typically requires fewer sessions, it can be a more efficient and cost-effective option for many clients.
How does RTT® work?
The RTT® Methode
RTT® relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain by allowing us to redefine outdated core beliefs, values, habits and emotions that are deeply rooted in our subconscious. By rapidly changing nerve pathways in the brain (neuroplasticity), RTT® replaces outdated belief systems and negative behavioral patterns. In addition, new life-affirming beliefs are established and the healing process begins.
RTT® offers unprecedented results, works quickly and eliminates the need for regular therapy sessions. A single session can produce convincing results on a range of problems. RTT® can be used in both children and adults. More complicated problems and topics require up to three RTT® sessions.
WHAT exactly is hypnosis therapy?
Not sure if RTT™ Therapy is for you? Perhaps you are afraid that you will lose control during hypnosis or that it might be dangerous? There are many misconceptions regarding hypnosis. But please be assured that hypnotherapy has nothing to do with stage hypnosis. You have full control at all times.
Hypnotherapy has the power to create positive and lasting changes in your life. She can uncover the beliefs and behaviors behind your fears, phobias, and negative habits by connecting with your subconscious. Despite this, so many people are unsure about this wonderful therapy due to incorrect information.
Explanatory video
RTT® briefly explained
Explanatory video translated into German
Rapid Transformational Therapy, also known as RTT®, harnesses the most powerful healing potential on the planet - the mind. RTT® is based on the science of neuroplasticity and combines the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT and neuroscience.
How does it work? To explain how Rapid Transformational Therapy ® works, we look at the mind in two different dimensions, the conscious and the unconscious mind.
You could say that your conscious mind is your thinking mind, analyzing everything and making you aware of what you are thinking at the moment. For example, the conversation you just had, the project you are working on, the list of tasks to do, and what is for dinner. Your subconscious mind is like an autopilot. It controls how your body breathes, how your heart beats, how your eyelids blink. It keeps you alive without you even thinking about it.
We act 95% of the time from our subconscious. The subconscious functions like a huge library or a safe in which everything we have ever experienced is sorted/stored.
And these imprints/storages shape our understanding of the world and our place in it.
The beliefs we form are responsible for our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Sometimes we need to look back at these old beliefs because they may be holding us back or influencing our behavior in destructive ways. Think of your subconscious mind as a video camera that is constantly recording and cannot be turned off.
When we choose to engage our conscious mind, we can control what we focus on and edit out noise. We can think about light and shadow, choose what we want to film and how we want to present something. Our conscious mind only sees a small portion of the information we take in.
Security cameras are a classic example. When we watch the footage a second or third time, we gain valuable insight. We notice so much more, form new perceptions, and have the opportunity to see things differently. When you see things differently, you are able to let go of the meaning you attach to events from the past and experience greater freedom than ever before.
Book your free initial consultation. Here I explain to you exactly what RTT is, how it can help you and how an RTT session works. If you then decide on an RTT session, you can book a session with me in practice or online.
Duration approx. 20 minutes.
After you have booked an RTT session, we will arrange a preliminary talk (by phone) to discuss your topic in detail so that I can prepare your individual RTT session. Before the session you define what results you want to achieve after the session and how you want to feel.
Duration approx. 30 minutes
In my practice or online I will guide you to go into a comfortable and relaxed hypnosis. This is how you open the door to your subconscious. You are absolutely safe, you are deeply relaxed and you retain absolute control over yourself. You decide what you want to give of yourself and what not. Imagine RTT® hypnosis as a beautiful meditation where you can achieve your goals. With the unique RTT® tools, I will successfully guide you through this session so that you can overwrite old beliefs, dissolve blockages and recognize the root of your problem. At the end of the session you will receive a transformation with new, positive beliefs that are individually tailored to you. You will also receive this transformation as audio.
Duration approx. 90-120 minutes
After the RTT session, you listen to the transformation audio for at least 21 days / at least once a day. This is very important because the subconscious learns and stores through repetition and it takes at least 21 days. You should not listen to this audio while driving, but in a quiet place where you can be undisturbed for 15 minutes can be
Tip: If you suffer from insomnia, I recommend listening to the audio before bed. Studies have shown that listening to positive affirmations before falling asleep can help you fall asleep better and ensure better sleep quality.
Duration approx. 15 minutes
I will look after you for the next 21 days, ie I will contact you after the 1st day, after the 7th and after the 21st day and see how you are doing and to what extent you have come closer to your personal goals.