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Eine Frau blickt in die Ferne und geniesst die innere Ruhe

Free yourself from self-doubt and fear! Unleash your full potential!


Transformation audios

Why Rapid Transformational Therapy® delivers phenomenal results!

RTT® – Schnelle, nachhaltige Veränderung

RTT® kombiniert Hypnosetherapie, NLP und Verhaltenstherapie, um tiefsitzende Blockaden zu lösen – oft in nur einer Sitzung. Durch gezielte RTT® Hypnose werden negative Glaubenssätze & Verhaltensmuster transformiert, sodass du mehr Selbstbewusstsein, innere Freiheit und Erfolg erlebst.

Ängste lösen | Selbstwert stärken | Blockaden aufheben


The RTT® method makes it possible!

RTT® combines the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, which makes it so fast and effective and much more than just classic hypnotherapy.

RTT hypnotherapy Bianca Trommer
Successful RTT session with client

Face to face

In meiner Praxis lösen wir tiefsitzende Blockaden und Ängste durch die Kraft der RTT® Hypnose – schnell, effektiv, nachhaltig. Erlebe mehr Selbstbewusstsein, innere Freiheit und ein Leben nach deinen eigenen Regeln.

RTT hypnotherapy Bianca Trommer
Erfolgreiche Online RTT Session mit Klientin

Online Session

Do you want to change your life, but the distance to my practice is a hurdle? Do you feel safer and more relaxed at home? The online RTT® session offers the solution! Using the unique RTT® tools, I will guide you through hypnosis online so that you can release blockages, overcome fears and increase your self-esteem. This effective method allows you to have a transformative experience from anywhere. Your journey to a radiant new you begins here.

Specialized areas of expertise



Blockages are mental, emotional or physical obstacles that can limit your personal growth, performance or well-being. The RTT® method can identify these blockages in the subconscious so that you can live a free and fulfilled life again.

Increase self-confidence

Low self-esteem manifests itself in a lack of confidence in one's own abilities, doubts about making decisions and feelings of inferiority. But with the powerful RTT® method we can reverse this condition. My program aims to strengthen lost self-esteem and restore the pure, confident joy of life.


Through the powerful RTT® method, fears are not only dissolved, but also replaced with self-confidence and inner strength. This method aims to identify and transform the deep-rooted causes of fears so that you no longer have to let them hold you back. Experience the liberation from fears and have the feeling of lightness, joy of life and energy.

to reach

With the unique RTT® program, you will not only successfully achieve your personal goals, but also your professional goals. I offer you individual mentoring and tools to overcome blockages, unleash your inner strength and follow your path to success with confidence. Feel the transformative power of this method and move resolutely towards your goals - be it personal or professional.

A big thank you to my clients


What my clients say



During the conversation, Bianca quickly recognized where we needed to start together. I have already done some personal development and Bianca's work is among the best, most effective and most pleasant. With the audio file, her work seems more in-depth and lasting. Thank you very much, Bianca! The world needs you. You are very valuable.

Bernhard Z. - Switzerland

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Beschreibung der APP TransformYourMind

TransformYourMind – Deine App für mentale Stärke & Erfolg!

  • Programmiere dein Unterbewusstsein für mehr Selbstbewusstsein, innere Ruhe & Klarheit!

  • Selbsthypnose-Audios – Lösen Blockaden & Ängste nachhaltig

  • Geführte Meditationen & Atemtechniken – Sofortige Entspannung & Fokus

  • Dankbarkeitsjournal & Affirmationen – Trainiere dein Gehirn auf Erfolg

  • Regelmäßige neue Inhalte – Alle zwei Wochen neue Selbsthypnose-Audios

👉 Hol dir jetzt die App & starte deine mentale Transformation!

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Deine Vorteile mit RTT®

Holistic approach

Individually tailored to you

Online or in practice

Fast & sustainable results

100% data protection

100% secure & anonymous if desired

Mehr Selbstbewusstsein & innere Stärke

Individual Transformation Audio


I am Bianca Trommer
Internationally certified clinical RTT® hypnotherapist & coach

✨ Dein Durchbruch beginnt JETZT – Befreie dich von Ängsten & Blockaden! ✨

Ich bin Bianca Trommer, Expertin für RTT®-Hypnose, Mindset-Transformation und Blockadenlösung. Wenn du dich oft von Selbstzweifeln, Ängsten oder negativen Gedanken zurückhalten lässt, dann bist du hier genau richtig!

💡 Stell dir vor, wie dein Leben aussieht, wenn…

✔ Du endlich die Unsicherheiten loslässt, die dich kleinhalten.
✔ Du selbstbewusst für dich einstehst – privat & beruflich.
✔ Du voller Klarheit, Freiheit und Stärke durchs Leben gehst.

Mit der einzigartigen RTT® Methode kannst du tiefsitzende Blockaden in nur 1-3  Sitzungen transformieren.


Mein Ziel ist es, dir nicht nur Hoffnung zu geben – sondern echte Veränderung.

🔹 Warum nicht den ersten Schritt wagen und es selbst erleben?


Buche jetzt kostenlos & unverbindlich dein Erstgespräch und finde heraus, ob RTT® die richtige Lösung für dich ist!

RTT therapist Bianca Trommer-Olberding


Rapid Transformational Therapy Seal Bianca Trommer-Olberding
RTT certifies Bianca Trommer
Rapid Transformational Therapy Seal Bianca Trommer-Olberding
Logo_clinical_RTT® Bianca Trommer-Olberding
Schweizer Hypnoseverband Mitglied Siegel Bianca Trommer-Olberding

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Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) is accredited by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT), the International Hypnosis Federation (IHF), and the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH), as well recognized by the Royal School of Medicine in New York and London.

Since RTT® (Rapid Transformational Therapy)  is still a relatively young form of therapy and has only been actively used in Switzerland for two years, it is unfortunately not yet recognized by Swiss health insurance companies. RTT® is already recognized as a therapy in countries such as the US, UK and Australia, including by the following professional bodies:


  • General Hypnotherapy Register

  • National Council of Psychotherapists

  • National Council of Psychotherapists

  • Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council

  • American Board of Hypnotherapy


  • International Association of Counselors and Therapists

  • International Association of Complementary Therapists

  • International Institute of Complementary Therapies

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